Please select 10 different words to practice every day you are off for your snow day.
F----Initial Position of Words
1. face 21. forward 41. fizzle
2. fall 22. fever 42. feline
3. fee 23. fumble 43. father
4. fan 24. farmhouse 44. famous
5. feed 25. feather 45. fable
6. feet 26. fancy 46. phonics
7. fence 27. fairy 47. four
8. fig 28. funny 48. future
9. fish 29. photo 49. fame
10. fun 30. Phyllis 50. falcon
11. food 31. forks
12. phone 32. fashion
13. first 33. fight
14. five 34. forest
15. fold 35. fast
16. fox 36. festive
17. fellow 37. final
18. forget 38. Fred
19. finger 39. fireplace
20. fireman 40. footprint
F---Medial Position of Words
1. breakfast 21. trophy 41. thankful
2. infant 22. traffic 42. toffee
3. telephone 23. snowfall 43. toughen
4. laughing 24. rainfall 44. transfer
5. waffle 25. daffodils 45. unfold
6. hayfork 26. lifeguard 46. useful
7. office 27. before 47. leafy
8. taffy 28. beautiful 48. caffeine
9. headphones 29. bonfire 49. different
10. catfish 30. buffet 50. hyphen
11. campfire 31. cafe
12. crayfish 32. Clifford
13. coffee 33. confuse
14. dolphin 34. goldfinch
15. buffalo 35. often
16. gopher 36. outfield
17. golfer 37. profile
18. alphabet 38. safety
19. muffin 39. Sophie
20. sofa 40. spoonful
F----Final Position of Words
1. calf 21. brief 41. weatherproof
2. chief 22. cliff 42. coral reef
3. cough 23. graph 43. sun roof
4. cuff 24. if 44. powder puff
5. elf 25. Jeff 45. relief
6. loaf 26. life 46. tariff
7. leaf 27. muff 47. grief
8. thief 28. rough 48. safe
9. roof 29. scuff 49. plaintiff
10. laugh 30. skiff 50. behalf
11. giraffe 31. sniff
12. wolf 32. staff
13. sheriff 33. stuff
14. safe 34. wife
15. hoof 35. belief
16. chef 36. enough
17. knife 37. Joseph
18. photograph 38. show-off
19. beef 39. autograph
20. bluff 40. waterproof